GIVE YOURSELF A MOMENT OF restorative wellness relaxation self-care

Welcome to Restorative Wellness! Assisting individuals with health and wellness needs for life enhancement.

Therapeutic Services We offer a wide variety of wellness treatments

Geriatric Assessment and Family Support

Geriatric Assessment and Family Support

This service is performed in the office or home of the older adult who needs an evaluation of their cognitive and functional skills. The evaluation takes into account an inventory of past medical and surgical history, psychiatric and life skills, and values the individual’s contribution to society in younger years.  A variety of objective testing is performed along with a brief cognitive and physical examination.

Discussion of finding with the individual and caregiver is presented with recommendations for care management in the home, and resources available to help the individual continue to find purpose in waking every morning and leaving the home setting and returning later in the day. It also provides the caregiver with resources and ideas of how to manage and redirect the older adult from injury to self or others, while prompting creative venues in the home to help the individual feel valuable.

The service is covered by insurance as an assessment of function and cognitive needs.

Medication Management

Most people take medication at some time or another. But do you know what and why you are taking the medication? As a Nurse Practitioner with prescriptive authority, Santa and review your medications with you and help you to understand what and why the medication is prescribed, how it should work and guide you to ask  certain questions of your physician with confidence from true living knowledge.

Medication Management


Perfect approach to relaxation and healing!

An attempt to reach a higher level of consciousness and mindfulness, this complementary approach permits a person to be guided into understanding unresolved issues of their past and how to fix them in their current life. If you immediately think when you hear ‘hypnosis’, ‘oh, will I bark like a dog…’ you will be surprised that you are not alone. Unfortunately, the media portrayal of this therapy is grossly erroneous.  Within three sessions of this therapy an individual who wants to resolve unconscious turmoil that manifests itself in life’s daily activities (examples: anxiety, depression, unqualified fears), will experience heightened awareness and behavior changes that promote wellness and self confidence without the haunting distress of ‘the other

This service is provided in the office, and an appointment can be made by calling:

Therapeutic Touch

Helps restore and heal the areas of deficit by shifting energy.

his complementary modality was learned by the creator of the technique, Dr. Dolores Kreiger, at NYU. A known and practiced modality by holistic practitioners is a technique of assessing one’s energy for balance, and helps restore and heal the areas of deficit by shifting the energy and smoothing out while enhancing the overall energy of the person being treated. This technique is used for healing and balance, promoting a wholeness and greater wellness.

This service is provided in the office, and an appointment can be made by calling:

Therapeutic Touch
Coaching for Inner Success and Meaning

Coaching for Inner Success and Meaning

Defining personal goals, seeking inner harmony, and keeping all the aspects of life in perspective are never easy. Santa uses all of her medical, psychological and complementary training to assist individuals in understanding the person they have become and why they seek certain contradictory choices in life, learning how to achieve inner harmony through mindfulness living.

This service is provided in the office, and an appointment can be made by contacting us.

Meditation: Individual and Group Sessions

until you try it, you don’t realize the value and power it offers you.

Meditation can be read about and talked about; however, until you try it, you don’t realize the value and power it offers you.  Taught in group or individual sessions, the outcome is always individualized to the individual.  Meditation gives an individual an opportunity to learn how to clear their mind of extraneous noise and sit with oneself quietly;  learning in time to visualize and create,  and resolve issues that may be hindering one’s fulfillment of joyfulness and health.

This service is provided in the office, and an appointment can be made by calling:

Meditation: Individual and Group Sessions
Eating and Exercising for Wellness

Eating and Exercising for Wellness

However you approach transforming your diet and attempting to exercise, without an understanding of how and why one often faces a conflict after a period of time, we often find ourselves resuming former patterns of living, and get frustrated with the idea of dieting and exercising.

When a person is happy with their ‘self’ they want to take care of their body, the true temple of their being. Santa offers a discussion and guidance to how you can continue on your path to lifestyle change by providing wellness insights into your dietary and exercise plan; including shifts of thinking to be sure you maintain balance and lifetime success towards wellness and health.

This service is provided in the office, and an appointment can be made by contacting us.

Addiction is a Family Disease

Addiction is not just limited to drugs, food, gambling, and more…There is always an underlying reason for behaviors and when one wants to learn and grow into the person they ‘are meant to be’, services can be provided to help the individual, family member, or partner understand how to bridge the social stigma, and behavior pattern that keeps one down and ‘hooked’.

Through guided sessions, a person can address their addictive behavior honestly and start to tackle the tough issues that haunt them to resolve and recreate their life to what they want without the life of being addicted

We All Need A Coach

Guiding your selections and choices with a mindful awareness of your bio-individuality will enhance your sense of wellness, and greatly influence your presence and fulfillment in your daily life. Understanding where you are now, and what you are not paying attention to, can sometimes cause a twist in the direction of goals and dreams. We are all in need of understanding ourselves a little more with gentle coaching to better move in the path of our highest intention.

Santa uses knowledge and experience that incorporates instrumental guidance from her medical and social resources, enhanced by information from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, to help each person reach their personal best goals.


Health and Wellness needs for life enhancement!

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