A More Global Sense of Belonging

August 2022 Blog

I welcome the month of August with consistent sunshine, heat waves, and new discussions on climate change. Although it has been on the agenda for several years, it seems that our social mind cannot get ahead of an issue until we are nearly behind it and getting hit hard for the proverbial ‘wake-up call.’ I get it; who wants to think about things when we don’t have much knowledge, science, or control over how to care for seemingly ubiquitous issues? But we do have to pay attention. Our life and future generations depend on us.

Looking around quickly, we have seen the advent of several manufacturers of electric and hybrid cars; just conceptual design not too long ago.

Today, most car manufacturers all moving toward EVs. Additionally, we are seeing more houses being built and renovated to capture rainwater for reuse. Many homes across the nation are employing going solar, and communities are investing in solar and wind energy farms.

Things are always changing. We must look ahead, be positive, welcome new energy technology, and transition to a more efficacious and earth-friendly way of living.

Along with climate concerns, we need to understand that we are tied to each other as brothers and sisters of humanity, and collective wellbeing is intricately tied to the wellness of everybody. We need to understand why people are angry, irritable, and can not hear what others said and why people are unable to respond with kindness and compassion from their hearts.

We need to slow down and understand our enemy. Our enemy is intolerance. We gain strength by connecting and forgiving, not factionalizing and waring.

Looking inside one’s self is a good place to start to understand our energy and inner ghosts, or what is referred to in psychology as “ANTs or automatic negative thoughts.”

I stress the value of talking with professionals about how to work through the repressed pain and hardship that prevents us from living life with a loving heart.

We must look at those from war-afflicted and impoverished societies and help address their needs. In our social milieu, we must look at our children and ensure they grow within a unit of love, kindness, understanding, and patience. Being generous with sharing a hand and a gentle hug and laughter may be all a child, teacher, or parent needs to get through a tough day.

Take time this month to find coolness in your heart to give generously to yourself in loving kindness and to look towards others with fondness and support of a kind word or gentle nod of understanding. Kindness is contagious.

Keep cool, hydrated, and safe.


Santa Crisall