Activities That Help The Brain

The world sometimes seems like it is spinning in the wrong direction. Listening to the news, talking with people on a grocery line, and trying to make ends meet, is a constant struggle for most of us. Where do we find the peace and harmony within ourselves to carry on and believe that the sun is going to come out and shine, and all will be fine?

I believe that we must have faith in ourselves and believe in our inner power of resilience. Yes, prices are rising. Do we really need to buy as much, or can we be more discerning in our purchases? Yes, listening to the news is pretty depressing. I believe the news feeds a ‘morbid curiosity’ inherent to all of us as humans. What does it take to turn the news off and read a book or magazine for a half hour? Do we really need to hear about shootings, robberies, homelessness, and the darkness within our surrounding communities? And, when you feel like you are struggling through your day, why not just take a deep breath, and take a break? Walk outside, regardless of the weather, and breathe and walk a little bit to gain a new perspective. Yes, you have that power to take a break and do something productive for your soul and mind—connecting with nature and purposely changing your perspective to rejuvenate your mind and body. When was the last time you attempted this? This simple action feeds our resilience.

I believe our commitment to self-care brings about self-compassion. When we are kind to ourselves, we can be understanding of our needs, and provide our body and mind what it is seeking for harmony. It may be a moment alone, a short walk, or hydration and nourishment. Are you feeding yourself healthy food, or eating whatever you can grab quickly? Are you coming home and having a drink to relax, or are you taking a few moments to sit quietly with yourself and breathe, decompress, and meditate or pray for a few minutes to regain some perspective to begin the next phase of your day?

When do you take the time to dream and design your vegetable or flower garden for the spring season? Maybe, when you feel low energy, this would be a good time. Your kindness to yourself in daydreaming and designing your gift to yourself (eg., a trip, flower bed, vegetable garden, tea party visit to a friend), is definitely feeding resilience and helping you seek harmony and peace. It also connects you with your higher self in looking beyond the doldrums negativity of the day and moving towards nature and positive social interactions.

I have picked up my guitar for the first time in two years to listen to the strings tune and restring a few needed strings that I broke from not turning correctly. My whole perspective changed and my attention to something totally ‘new’ to me made me feel challenged and engaged, and happy that at the end of the process, I restrung and tuned my guitar. The next challenge (after I cut my nails, of course) is to learn chords. This will consume me for little breaks of time, but I will come out refreshed and happy. The same way I feel when I meditate in the morning and evening, and when I read a few chapters of a book before bed.

Regardless of what the activity is, it is an activity. Activity helps our brain, body, spirit, and soul refocus, reenergize, and reconnect with the world we want to live in—not the world imposed on us by others. Try it, and share your thoughts ….










Photo credit Quang Nguyen Vinh Pexels
