Autumn is here, bringing many gifts

We are now in the fourth quarter of 2021. So much has happened, and time seems to have passed us by so quickly. I’ve been impressed by the resilience of people in their desire to move forward.  Aware of the danger of the pandemic and delta variant, they pursue things they love with caution and mindfulness.

Many of my clients have reconnected with their family members, friends and participated in social outings and vacations. All mindful of distancing, vaccination status, and precautions to be taken when necessary.

I recently took a four-day sailing course on the Chesapeake Bay, which was refreshing and reaffirmed my skills and confidence in sailing in open water.

When in port, our crew would be respectful, using masks when requested. Not consumed with safety, just aware and incorporating this awareness into our movements and actions.

I believe that the mask will stay a part of our daily uniform for protection depending on where we are and what we are doing. When in close quarters, tight spaces,  or in locations where meeting with others without knowing the vaccination status, are instances when we mask up for personal protection.

The return to the classroom is exciting for students, teachers, and parents. Maybe we will see a rise in student engagement and dialog compared to the zoom virtual classroom and the resulting sense of disconnectedness that characterized 2020. Also, meeting up with friends and playing sports and on the playground will help bring back the balance of academics and fun that make schooling an enriching opportunity for all involved.

Some people are returning to their offices. Others will remain working from home. Technology and some new skills have helped many businesses realize a remote work option. This trend has proven to enhance productivity in many cases. All of this is growth forced upon us by the pandemic and a need for safety. Connecting with peers is important, and those not in the office are given options to connect so that the interpersonal value of work isn’t lost.

September brings us to the forecast of the Fall season. This is exciting. New activities, goals, sports, and celebrations are being penciled in on various calendars. Almost a sense of normalcy, but still all done with a sense of caution.

The reality is that we are not free from the clutches of the pandemic of 2020. The delta variant lurks in our thoughts and continues to be addressed on commercials that stress the need to get vaccinated. Losses of family and friends, young and old alike, from recent Covid-19 infection, is scary. Those not vaccinated are vulnerable. Those who are vaccinated and get infected seem to recover with some ease and few residual effects.

This season also brings with it influenza (flu). Many will be more vulnerable to the flu this year because, in 2020, we did not build a resistance to the flu with masks and social isolation. So this year, the vaccine will be important to consider to avoid any additional virus exposure.

Weather changes, climate issues, and our world/earth transformations appear to be more constant in the news these days and make me wonder if we can stay steady and hopeful each day forward. I believe we each have a choice to move forward with mindfulness and grace. Attend to your personal truth, be kind to others, and watch out for neighbors and friends. We are all one in the end. I encourage you to be mindful and grateful for your life and the gifts you live. Be safe. Be happy. Be kind.
