Be mindful and purposeful in your thoughts.

September has arrived with its beautiful freshness in the air and cooler nights, and clearer skies on the best of days. This month offers each of us the time to reflect on our youth, as it is typically the month we returned to school for the Fall season. It is also a month that brings our hearts and memories to 21 years ago when on 9-11, the Twin Towers in NYC were struck by planes and a new fear entered our lives –it was a time when we lost many and tried to save many more in the disaster. This event began a war by America to strike back and demonstrate our strength against the attackers.

Now, we add to our sadness when reflecting on this month, the passing of Queen Elizabeth at the age of 96. Queen since the age of 25, upon the passing of her father, King George, this young woman assumed a public commitment and love to her country and then family as she grew into the role and became the person beloved by her country people throughout her reign. She was often described as fair, level-headed, focused, and kind when she listened to those in her presence.

Finally, in September 2022, we are greeted with the continuation of Mercury being in retrograde. So now the planets have a role in our memory and life! The positive aspect of Mercury retrograde, defined as the planet appears to be going backward in the sky, is that it is an ideal time for slowing down and reflecting on where we are at with our personal goals and offers us a time to refocus ourselves to reflect and readjust and not give way to negativity. It is so much to assign to a month that closes down summer’s fun and expands our energy into a new season of changes.

What changes are you looking to make for yourself?

It is important to consider this so that your days are purposeful and fruitful. It is a good idea to reflect and look within yourself and seek out what you want to achieve. It is important that with your actions, you have clear and focused intentions each day. With this, if you are open to loving kindness for those less fortunate, you offer positive energy to those in need.

It is important to think of the present moment and be accountable for the energy you bring to your surroundings. You make a difference. You can guide and change how another person may see a situation or experience a conversation. We all have experienced at least once in our lifetime how another person took the time to extend a hand and made us feel important and valuable. This is a gift that each of us can do as we go through our daily actions. In the end, what you can experience and realize is that ‘you made a difference “in someone’s life today, and it feels good!

Be mindful and purposeful in your thoughts and actions each day this month. Be aware that each day seems to close too quickly, and the weeks pass so swiftly! But if you make a difference, it’s worth moving along, and you are ready to change the calendar page again!

Nameste / Aloha













Photo by <a href=””>David Gabrić</a> on <a href=””>Unsplash</a>
