Charting a New Course for the Rest of the Year

We are halfway into the first year, post a two-year phase of pandemic and fear.

Many of us have tried to move forward with a sense of being strong, stoic, and watchful. Others remain fearful and reclusive, suspicious, or not attentive to the sometimes paralyzing reports spouted out by the media almost daily.

I have moved forward with a calm vision and a mindful realigning of my value of self-care as a daily priority. I have found that reading, listening to podcasts, the daily practice of mediation, and journaling has helped me feel grounded and less reactive to situations and events that in the past would have spontaneously rocked my world and wasted a lot of time and energy.

I am looking back at the last six months for the effort and outcomes that I’ve achieved. It is essential to reflect and gauge how things are going when an intention and plan are set that chart a new course. This is the month to assess the progress I have made as we are halfway through the year.

My reflection on the changes I plan may be helpful for you. See what you think;

Positive Additions and Outcomes:

  • Daily meditation (15 min in am and pm) / has helped me be more observant and less reactive to events, clearer in the focus of my actions, and feel more grounded during the day.
  • Daily journaling (10 min in the evening)/ I always ensure that I end my journaling with 3 items that I am grateful for at the end of the day. Journaling helps me have a reference of my growth and personal thoughts as I go through days sometimes wondering why things happen and should I have done more.
  • Listening more and talking less/has afforded me time to hear and understand what a client is expressing and to sense their essence and needs that are often not consciously known or want to be shared
    Ensuring my client’s space is kept sacred/ I permit only their energy and focus when they are present and provide a safe place for them to be vulnerable and supported as they grow and explore their needs.

Things that need correction and refocus:

  • I have been absent in the lives of my friends and family members too much for my love for them. Work has been the priority and fun and sharing are on the back burner. This is not good for the spirit, the soul, or one’s mental and emotional health. These connections are essential to feeding inner strength and energy. I will need to adjust my schedule going forward.
  • I have not given myself the outside stimulation that I so value and thrive on—working out, bike riding, climbing rocks, sailing, and exploring the wilderness areas that are still in my area. I have to plan for this with others to join.

This may not seem like a lot, but being present in your own life, self-management of your wellness, and being happy from the inside out, makes a massive difference in how to address the world and how the world addresses you. Maybe some of these concepts and practices could help your exploration of self-care and wholeness. Maybe, sharing this will help you gain a new perspective.

Wishing you a safe and joyful summer kick-off and wellness throughout each day forward.

Namaste & Aloha,











Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash
