Connect with nature, your community, the earth, and the world beyond!

Welcome to the nearing of the second month of 2022! As anticipated, this new year has offered more good news in a few months than we lived through in the 2020-21 years. For example, the numbers of Omicron variant and hospitalizations and deaths have decreased significantly, the States are now looking at the need for and possible removal of mandates for mask use, except in certain situations, and finally, we are hearing of people returning to the workplace and meeting up with others in social events to re-establish their connection with others. All of this lends itself to good humor, good spirits, and a sense of hope.

Learning from our unique periods of isolation from the pandemic period of 2020-21, I pray that we enter the new year of 2022 with a different mindset, attitude, and sense of self. Meaning, each of us is more cognizant of what we need to make ourselves happy, keep healthy, and be hopeful for our dreams and goals to become a reality.

It is important to have dreams. And more importantly to understand how you will be changed, or evolved, when those dreams are achieved. Will they give you a greater sense of prosperity? A better lifestyle balance? More rest and fun? More joy and happiness? Less of a feeling of a weight on your shoulders? With all the time in isolation and retrospection, these issues surfaced for many. One of my clients said to me that he learned, “ I need to keep my work and home life separate, but need time for myself to take care of my ‘self’ and my spirit.” That’s insightful and manageable if he stays mindful of the goal and has a plan to address it all in this daily routine.

I learn a lot from my clients. I also grow a lot from the knowledge I learn from readings, podcasts, and even group interactions. Everyone is unique and when they share their perspective, a new color is added to the pallet of our ever-changing community and its needs. The human race is awesome when it’s moving in a positive projection, and deadly when it moves towards entropy.

My learning to date for balance and success can be summarized simply as follow:

  • Be kind to yourself in your thoughts, words, reflections, and even simple comments about yourself when speaking to others.
  • Realize that being mindful and focused during an interaction or doing a task permits you to be totally present and in the moment, thus blocking any negativity, anxiety, or despair and being overwhelmed.
  • Remember to breathe into your breadth to seek a centering and grounding of your person.
  • When you wake and prepare for sleep, write three things that you are grateful for and remember them throughout all that follows. During the daytime, this action gives you perspective and positive energy; during the evening, it offers you quiet sleep and rest.
  • Try to meditate daily for 10 minutes. This is a way of showing up for you. Each day you tend to your inner calm needs for 10 minutes (same time every day) you develop a habit of listening to your body and can sense your feelings more clearly and be guided by honest emotion instead of thoughts and intellect as the day progresses.
  • Finally, select food and liquids that will sustain you and give you health and vitality. And take a walk daily to connect with nature, your community, the earth, and the world beyond your person.
  • I hope that you try some of these, if not all, and share your feedback after a month’s time with me and others. Best for a wonderful end of February and looking forward to our developments in March!


Namaste/ Aloha















Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash