Each day, we have an opportunity.

There are many beautiful sites in our immediate surroundings that we often overlook. Sometimes, we are ‘too busy,’ running to get something or someone, or working too much. When we miss out on our surroundings, including the people within our company, we lose sight of the gifts and wonders that are free of charge and precious entities that help us survive.

Remembering that each day upon wakening we have an opportunity for a new beginning is a good start. This thought replaces the idea that ‘it’s another day…and the list continues.”

Being greeted or greeting your pet, partner, or the sun from your window is another moment to indulge in and realize that the earth is here for you, feeding you and all around you with positive energy.

Being consumed with the ‘things that need to be done or the ‘plans for the day ahead’ only brings you out of the current moment of peace and calm. And this disrupts your quiet start for a new day. Why do this? What purpose does it serve? It doesn’t get us going any faster or calm us and clarify our intention.

I believe that we need to slow down. In our emotions, our thoughts, and tune into our feelings more before we jump up and run to do something. Journaling our gratitude helps us remember what is important and how we can appreciate what is given to us and surrounds us—that which lifts us and keeps our spirits positive and hopeful. Slowing down gives us time to think, breathe, and reflect; even for a moment, it helps us regain composure and intentionality.

Sometimes our thoughts and feelings are not in alignment. We need to be mindful of this so we do not move in a direction we might regret later. We all have ego power; sometimes, this alone can overwhelm our feelings and heart intention. We must be mindful of the ego as it does not like to be left out of decisions or have things change the course of our direction.

We need to change. We need to be mindful. We need to be heart-oriented, kind, loving, sharing, and giving. The world, our community, family and friends, and those unknown to us all need more love and peace energy in their surroundings. We can do that with intention, belief, meditation, and communication from a place of integrity and heartfelt honesty.

Life is long and yet very short. We can live it fast or one day at a time. We can contribute or take. I recommend living –one day at a time- with mindful peace and true intention to help make a contribution to our world and surroundings better for the next day.

I leave this with you to ponder. Enjoy July. Be safe. Be calm.