Feeding Your Soul – You Are More Than What You Eat!

Feeding Your Soul – You Are More Than What You Eat!

Taking time to be with people who you love and care about, and making time to enjoy each other’s company is food for your soul. When was the last time you took the time for this type of activity?

We are often caught up in the race against time, cramming in all the ‘have to dos’ and putting aside those ‘nice’ things that feed our spirit. I’m sure you are familiar with them, the simple things that make you feel like a whole person and connected with the world.

The writing of a card and sending it ‘just to reach out and say hi,’ or the phone call, and even the impromptu social at one’s home with some good food and friends are examples. These things do not happen daily, but when they do, you feel lifted and filled up with love and calmness that lasts until the next encounter. A phone call versus a text to someone you care about so you can speak to them, to hear their voice, works just the same!

These are wonderful ‘self-care’ actions! They don’t cost any more than a bit of time but serve to regenerate your spirit, hope, and sense of connectedness with the world outside your daily routine. You can walk away feeling taller, with a straighter back and smile on your face! You feel rejuvenated and ‘alive”.

Our world is fraught with trauma and angst. Even if we try to keep it at bay, it infiltrates our protective inner walls and personhood. Social media and ubiquitous political discourse are impacting our lives. Even in the grocery store where you will see the tabloids, overhear conversations, and observe the stress that people display in their facial expressions and body posture, are readily observable manifestations of anxiety.

It is essential to resist the downward spiral and use creative approaches to ‘self-care.’ Affirmation is not frivolous self-indulgence. Loving yourself and expressing your love for those around you more freely is part of taking care of yourself.

Taking time to connect with others, breathing, and visualizing life as we wish it, releasing yourself from activities that do not ‘feed’ your energy, is an excellent start to transform your daily routines into engaging and exciting explorations all about you—your growth, health, and wellness.

A wide variety of inputs influences our spirit. The eternal deep belief that ‘all will be well,’ or ‘we are doomed,’ defines how to perceive the world in either positive or negative terms.

Decide to move your body, mind, and spirit to a ‘better place’ that satisfies the whole person that you are, and want to become! Enjoy explorations of yourself and others, reach out and stretch to make a connection, live like today is your only day for success and happiness, and be kind to yourself so that your energy can be.

Life is a roller coaster at times, but you can choose to not get on it, letting it pass a few times before you decide to take a seat on this tour.

Live today. Have some fun! Step away from negative energy. Reach out for a helping hand, and get empowered with loving kindness from others.

