Focus on your Self-Care and Wellness: Meditation

Hello to all who are listening!

Welcome to a new month that promises to open the doors to new adventures and thoughts for hope and self-empowerment.

April kicks off the Spring season, and we are all overdue for sunshine, travel, good health, and a great feeling of wellness.

I want to suggest a basic self-care routine to use each morning and evening for a month that will keep your focus on self-care and wellness. 

Question: What is this routine?

The Answer: Meditation.

Meditation is free, but it does require an investment of your time and patience.

Let me explain. I believe that meditation is often perceived negatively by those who have not tried it or can’t seem to sit still for any length of time. That makes sense. You can not deeply appreciate what you have never experienced.

So let’s take this opportunity to explain why Meditation is something you should explore and experience.

Meditation offers you an opportunity to fill your mind with positive thoughts and clarity.  Meditation allows you to tone down the ambient noise of our minds and negative emotions to allow us to experience a true consciousness or what we describe as “being in the moment.”

When the mind is peaceful, clear, and positive, your life follows. We can manifest tranquility and wellness if that is what we manifest in our minds.

I understand that we are often pulled in a thousand directions; work, family, finances, and schedules. There are a thousand reasons why you can make why make time to devote to another thing but I suggest, if give Meditation a chance, it can positively impact every aspect of your life and health.

If you are unsure where to start, type “10 minute guided meditation for (relaxation, positive thinking, stress relief, sleep) on YouTube. Choose any topic that interests you or because you like photo. There are no wrong choices.

There are also several apps that offer guided meditations and introductions to meditation for beginners for your smartphone or tablet. These include; “Calm” or “Insight Timer,” to name a few.

I suggest meditation be done for 10 minutes in the am and before bedtime. This gives you a full twenty minutes a day of self-focused care each day. Additionally, you gain a sense of peace within you, a quieting of the noise in your head for those sessions, which often translates to a sense of quiet and slowing of your body’s sense of stress for the rest of the day! I have even found that I can listen better and be more patient in every aspect of my life when I practice meditation.

Eventually, you will find that you can do the meditation independent of your guided selection by sitting still with yourself and acknowledging the random thoughts that surface, and permitting them to leave for the moment while you are doing your breathing and meditation. You may also find that deeper mediation and longer sessions become something you look forward to.

I must say, the experience is worth the time, the personal awareness and sense of empowerment is remarkable and exciting.
So, as a new hopeful season approaches, try something new, or work on perfecting what you are already doing, reap the benefits and bring them into your actions and life of the season of rebirth and spiritual joyfulness.

Aloha/Namaste //












Photo by S Migaj on Unsplash