Holding on to too much “Stuff”

We all have ‘stuff’ that we need to get rid of – some of it is physical items around our workplace or homes, some deep within our psyche that comes up at odd times, and we push it back down, hoping it goes away forever. The’ stuff’ distracts us from being authentic and able to think clearly and feel grounded.

Why do we hold onto it? Why don’t we address it? It’s not easy, for sure. And it’s hard to do on your own. Often, it takes much soul searching to realize what is negatively impacting you, and then trying to figure it out on your own can become overwhelming. That’s why making a connection in a safe, non-judgmental location where someone is willing to listen, guide, coach, and hear your story and needs is worth investing your time.
I am not the only person who offers this service. There are many people and services out there. Most importantly, you realize the need, seek assistance, and consistently practice changing your thinking about yourself.

When you awaken, what is the first thought you have? Is it kind? Is it loving? Or, is it about the things you must do, the list that must be completed by the day’s end, calls that have to be made, etc.? We can easily be distracted by everything around us if we don’t focus on what we need for our authentic selves. Our inner self–The part of us that feels what is happening around us and intuitively guides us to make good decisions for ourselves.

I recently met someone who, whenever he was leaving or ending a conversation, would say, “Be good to yourself.” Such simple words but profound and compelling if we acted upon them. Imagine if you woke up in the morning with ‘be good to yourself’ as the first thought in your head? How would your day progress differently? It’s a fun thought and practice to try, don’t you think?

I challenge you to try this as an action plan for a whole week and see how your week’s interactions with others and how you feel about your days and yourself differ from last week. Try to journal your day-to-day changes or similarities. Think about what stuff didn’t have a role in your day, write it down and make a plan to discard it sooner than later. Write a letter to your inner stuff to release it and start anew with a different foundation. Maybe one as simple as, ‘be good to you.

Go into nature and take in the beauty granted by the earth, sky, wind, and rain. Absorb the energy for a moment. Smile and feel the grace of the Universe hold you for a second. Then, go about your business with a new breadth of freshness.

Till we meet again.