How do you feel about yourself?

There are many things happening around us every day that we are not involved in, nor do we notice them, yet they have an indirect impact on us. If you can imagine for a moment how you get through the day, the number of social interactions you have either in person, on zoom, viewing a television screen, or scanning your social media on the phone, you have to admit, there is a lot going on! All that is around us has a positive or negative energy, which influences our own mood, energy level, and perception of ourselves and others.

I think it behooves us to take a step back at this time in our social history and think about how you feel about yourself. Since really everything starts with one person, an individual, you for example, it is good to know about yourself. Here are some ideas to think on as you reflect and step back to ensure you are the best you can be:

How do you view yourself?

Restorative Wellness, Holistic HealthcareAre you a in the physical condition you want to be? If not, can you get there? What kind of help might you need? How can you access this help? Have you tried to make a change?

Do you see yourself as striving to be the best you can be in your community, work, and home life? If not, what is holding you back? What don’t you like? What do you want to change? Is the change in your control? If not, what can you change that is in your control that will get you closer to being the best you can be?

Are you grateful for the life you have? Do you see signs around you every day that offer you hope and renew your gratitude for living ? Do you take time daily to look at the sky, the trees, the flowers, and realize we have this abundance of positive energy that waits for us to share In its beauty with our energy?

Are you a spiritual person? Do you think of yourself as the creator and controller of all things in your life? How do you manage this level of responsibility if you are this person? If not, how do you navigate through your world knowing that you can have access to guidance with a thought or prayer, to comfort you and guide you in your quest for moving forward.

Have you considered yourself as an energy being? Can you sit quietly with yourself for three minutes a day and feel grounded? Do you feel empathy and compassion for others that are less fortunate than you?

These are only a handful of questions that when you want to understand how we can each contribute to making our lives and world better, we affirm we can and do have a special role in helping change the energy around us.

I encourage you to reach out when you feel a need for support. Trust your instincts and believe in your true authenticity. Your energy can help contribute to positive changes. If we each took this approach, we would make big changes happen.

I think it’s time to take this on. It is time for big energetic changes. Let’s go for it!

Santa J.Crisall











Photo by Luke Leung on Unsplash