How to make the your next transition better…

Change is all around.

Have you ever sat back and watched as other people get close to making a job change? Or, even a lifestyle change would be overwhelming to you. Change seems to be more the norm these days and being able to make transitions remains a high stressor for most people.  Why is this? I believe it is because human nature draws us to want to hold on to people and things that are familiar, and when faced with change, we fear losing them.

Personal connection with fear and change

I believe change-related stress and inflexibility come from various unconscious sources. Initially, it may be that somewhere in our past, when we were young and growing up, facing insecurity in some situations. These unresolved issues may have laid the groundwork for anxiety that was not addressed or explained, and over time, became an emotion tucked away. As we grew older, it manifests as resistance or sadness to the change–even if it’s a wanted and necessary change!.

Another reason for resistance may come from our fear of the unknown. Possibly even self-critique and disappointment. As an adult, you can comprehend what is happening. However, it’s the emotional side of us that without objectivity critiques us like a parent and judges us unfairly against an abstract standard. The pure fear of the unknown is overwhelming. If we were a child,  we would view this situation as an exciting thrill! As an adult,  the fear becomes electrified with abstract thoughts of fulfilling responsibilities,  managing finances, and future uncertainty.

Transformations make us stronger

I have come to believe that each one of us has undergone multiple changes in our lifetime. Some very conscious, other times, it .was put upon us, and we got through. Either way, we have all survived and will continue to grow stronger as we believe in our abilities, vision, and mission. We must take time to appreciate, care, be grateful for, and compassionate to ourselves.  As we acknowledge our growth in this manner, we calm the fear and become empowered to move forward with arms open and minds ready for creative engagement with the world around us. As we heal from within, we transform our perception and our space. We can look forward to our next move through our child’s eyes. Our mind will provide the tools for success.

Walking daily, eating correctly, hydrating yourself throughout the day, and journaling daily as you venture through each challenge helps you objectively view and process your transformation. It also gives you the freedom to reflect, and monitor how far you have come—and how now you can explore uncharted territory with joy in your heart! Joy, positive, proactive energy that renders your power in your control.flecfl

Positive Energy, Positive Power

Remember flying a kite on a windy day; you were in control of the navigation through your grip and imagination! And if the winds changed and the kite falls, oh well, time to catch the next wind stream and run to regain your position, power, and joy!

Have fun with whatever change is coming at you. Remind yourself of your emotional value. And, your brilliance in past successes. Then, take hold of this new challenge with full belief in your power and intellectual creativity–all essential for climbing another summit in life!

Remember, you are never alone. Don’t Worry. Always hope. And say a prayer to the Devine to have your back!

