Let Negativity Go! Embrace the Positive.

There is never a dull moment in our days anymore. If it’s not a phone call or text regarding a friend in distress or a relative who has taken ill, it may be an invitation to a joyful celebration of marriage or a birth of a child. So much is unpredictable. The pervasive sense of uncertainly has been ongoing for what seems to be ‘so long’ that many of us are tired and weary. There is hope insight, and one must stay positive and strong.

The pandemic, although with new variants, have the vaccine in-process and rolling out slowly. The relief for many to have supplemental food banks and funding to support their household is genuine. The idea that you are all alone is an echo of the climate of 2020. In 2021, more people reaching out and asking for help and being heard.

It would be best if you stay healthy and positive. These characteristics help us all move through a day. Choosing negativity is not viable. Negativity guarantees a weakened immunity and robs our energy to allow us to think creatively, reach out, and be active.

A positive outlook depends on personal goals and a sense of community. We are not alone, and we need to remember that a pity party serves no one, not even the one throwing the party.

Getting frustrated and angry over a situation in which you have no control is ok, but you let it go because it requires too much energy. If you are caught up in something you have no control over, take a walk, dance, read a book, write it out and try to understand it. There’s much you can do to take action and ‘let it go’, transforming it into positive energy. The health of the body, mind, and spirit depends on your ability to take action and be proactive and positive.

Listening to yourself and knowing your inner self is key. Loving yourself is the bottom line. Your inner self is where you generate your energy. Look around. Be kind to yourself. Reach out to those around you. Be the person you want to be, regardless of the struggles or roadblocks you face. Your positive energy and belief in your purpose will get you through. Keep an eye on your inner self and nurture it with kindness and loving support. If you need help, reach out. Get help. No one is alone in this world. Working together, we can work towards a solution. Don’t be alone intentionally—you have nothing to gain. Community and companionship, kindness, and forgiveness make one whole.

Be Safe. Be strong. Lean into situations, do not fear your ability to move forward. There are many around you who want you to succeed. Love yourself and those around you, and your day will be more fulfilled and happy.
