Look For, and Find Peace

The world around us seems to be getting more complicated as each day passes. Not only with the obvious coronavirus and race for a vaccine, virtual schooling, virtual workplaces, and amongst all the turbulence, the upcoming political challenges of watching the tides change with each new propaganda, brochure, or media presentation.

When do you take a minute to close your eyes, take a breath, or get away from all the distress? Where can you turn to for peace and a moment to silence?

We yearn for a sense of solace and peace. Peace in our world, amongst those around us, and within our heart. How do we reach this place?

First, it’s important to realize that you are in control of yourself. You have the power to breathe, feel, understand, explore options, and believe that there is a better path to be developed. If you do not believe that it starts with you, nothing can change. You are the power of change. It takes only one step and one moment at a time.

Next, you must realize that you are not alone. We are all part of a community, and we need each other if the change is going to occur. We need each other to share ideas, express our feelings, understand different paths that be developed, and for support. As human beings, we were not meant to be alone and in isolation. We were never meant to be grossly adversarial to each other. We all understand competition is one thing, adversity is another. Nurturing and evolution cannot occur in toxic environments, only decay and harm, ultimately death. We need to nurture our fellow humans and the human spirit, to move forward and rise above the turbulence and pain that has been endured.

Be sure you understand what you stand for—your core values. These are your guiding principles and the reason you represent the unique wonderful individual that you represent. The fundamental beliefs you hold within your core guide your thoughts, actions, and behaviors. They reflect your life and being. They help humanity stay human, and not grotesque.
I cannot define the algorithm for peace, truth, or belief systems, but I can tell when one is connected to others in their community, the spirit of kindness and optimism for hope blossoms. This comes from each of us. This energy is powerful. It is grounded and universal. It is sustaining. It takes only one thought to make a behavior change. It takes one gesture to help another person. It takes you to reach out and make a difference—and help another do the same. The time is now to make this effort.

The time is now to change our world into what we believe it needs to be for our elders, our youth, our community, and our own being. When you lay your head down on the pillow at night, or just close your eyes for darkened silence, be grateful to have the breadth you need and spirit to make a difference. Walk proudly, confidently, and with kindness in your heart. Go forward and bring with you the valuable lessons that need nurturing and others that need reminders of things to not repeat in our new ‘normal’ world. With each action, help us change our world view, and the view of the world around us.
Join together with your community, spirit, and beliefs to change our world and life with each passing day into one of hope and beauty.
