Slow Down, Connect!

Have you ever noticed that your days move quickly into weeks, and before you realize it, months have passed, and you are in a new season?

So much is happening around us, and we are constantly bombarded with information that is not immediately needed. At the same time, we sit back passively, watch social media news reports, and listen to shows that are drama to the max (and filled with commercial breaks-selling us something we don’t need or didn’t know existed!).

I have found that sitting still in the silence of my own company for a few minutes several times a day is very relaxing and comforting. With no thoughts, just quiet, no agenda, just peace, what a difference it makes. Walking around the block, looking at the trees, and admiring their strength, beauty, and structure takes time and intention and benefits us with a connection to nature.

We need to slow down and refocus. We need to get back to our sense of ‘core strength’ and willingness to see others for who they are and how to support better and connect with them. Many people are still slowly escaping the trauma of the pandemic, isolation, and sickness. Some have faced the illness repeatedly. They need to heal their mind and body with soul searching, self-discipline, and action steps to strengthen their body, not just depend on modern medical practices.
Learning to find peace from within is a good step.

Taking walks is another way to connect with the world around us. Talking with others in an honest and supportive manner is important to regain trust and belief that you are not alone. Becoming involved in social activities that you enjoy or would like to explore and learn about helps the spirit of an individual grow. Having a sense of purpose and mission is essential to the joy of waking up and starting a new day. Additionally, having faith that you are supported by others and not alone in this world is empowering.

I encourage all of us to reflect on where we are now. What is your purpose, Mission, and Vision for what you want to leave behind as your legacy thirty or forty years from now? We have a lot of time to accomplish anything we can dream of, and we have good intentions to contribute to those in our community and family and network.

Best for health, joy, and happiness…
Santa Crsall