Mid-Year Reflection

It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through the year 2024. Time doesn’t wait for anyone – it just keeps moving forward. Some days are fun, while others can be overwhelming. But one thing that remains constant is you..

You are an extraordinary individual with unique characteristics, presence, and thoughts. You must never underestimate the power of ‘you.” You provide uniqueness, an inner power of creativity, and a presence for others to reach out to and connect with. We all need to reach out and connect, communicate, and share our compassionate hearts with each other.

You never know when someone else may need some compassion and good intention to just make it through a tough situation or life-changing event. Our awareness of our unique gifts and individualization gives us a wonderful opportunity to help others through guidance, kindness, and gentle, compassionate intention to resolve pain and distress.

We are constantly changing, each day as we awaken and process new information. Within ourselves, we remain the person we know, but we also grow and evolve. Each of us is unique. When we come together as a group, our individuality connects and creates unity. This unity can be shown in many ways, such as laughter, expressions of gratitude, smiles, and body language that conveys a sense of belonging to the group.

Be mindful of your presence, your place, and your ability to contribute, communicate, and send loving kindness to others through compassionate thoughts. Our world needs more of these qualities, beginning with those we live and work with, and extending to our community, world, and universe.

Believe in your offering and make it in a way that represents you. You are unique, always growing and changing for the better, and evolving. I wish you the best for gentle dreams, special moments of connection, and many happy, compassionate coincidences that are not coincidences in our lives going forward. Be mindful of your changes. Embrace others with kindness. Be the best you can be, always.

Santa Crisall
June blog 2024