October Joy

We have now come forward to a new season of brilliance and the change of life around us—Starting from the air that we breathe with a crispness on nice days, and sunshine brightening the changing foliage. So grand are our surroundings that it can take your breath away if you let yourself savor the moment and feel yourself excited with new possibilities and resilience.

This is a time of our colander year when we start to think of holidays and gatherings with friends and family members, gift-giving, and even make-believe moments of dressing in costume and watching children try to frighten you with ‘tricks or treats demands. It’s cute and scary sometimes but imaginative! And memories for each of us of times gone by!
What gives us childish joy and a sense of excitement during this time of year? Is it the change of weather? Advertisements we see that promote joy, hope, and lightheartedness? We all have a child within us who wants us to feel such joy and fun throughout our daily activities. It is a part of our past and memories that is often hidden down in our psyche and makes our desire to live and feel young at heart, and sometimes, instead, we feel restless and unhappy for no REAL reason.

Let’s use our time to enjoy the gift of nature that surrounds us—the natural beauty of the earth, winds, and ski—the essence of things we cannot create but can strive to preserve and appreciate. You will find doing this for a few minutes daily, your gratitude for the universe and the energy that is resounding through it gives you strength and resilience for the child within to regain your joy and inner happiness.

I encourage every one of us to take a moment daily to breathe freely and journal our gratitude at the end of the day. Meditate or sit quietly with yourself to feel your body resonate with life and happiness. Grow into self-taking, look at your inner spirit, and take time to give yourself self-care.

There is so much ahead of us built on a foundation that gives us strength and joy that has been hidden from us in the heart of the child within …find the child, grow with your inner spirit, and believe in yourself for the better person that you –and offer it in situations to those in need whom you care about and want to help grow in kindness and joy.

Enjoy the days of this new season and grow your spirit of gratitude!

Namaste/ Aloha
Santa Crisall
Restorative Wellness, LLC

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