Opportunity and Mindfulness

Welcome to another month of opportunity and mindfulness. As we enter into this final month of the summer season, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on how the time has been so different than just one year ago during the pandemic! Many of us have had opportunities to reconnect with family, friends, and even explore dining and social venues that were closed to us during the pandemic. Although this brings us to a feeling of normal, and a sense that we have to catch up on time missed during the pandemic lockdown, we are not fully free of angst and concerns for keeping ourselves healthy and well. The potential for the delta variant has become a new concern If you are vaccinated or not against the Covid 19 virus. It is important to realize that our health and wellness demands a new level of vigilance with being mindful of our mind, body, spirit, and social connections in order to stay in the best of energy vibration and wellness.

Positive connections and inward reflection often bring us to a state of mindfulness that generates joy and gratitude. The sense of joy often increases our energy, changes our perspectives to be more positive, and makes us have a sense of willingness to try to achieve and accomplish things that may have in the past appeared to be overwhelming. The sense of resilience occurs when we are joyful and have a living awareness of gratitude. I believe that there is much to be grateful for as we enter the final month of the summer season, and look towards a new school year for our children and their mentors.

This summer we saw athletes surpass their own expectations and abilities in the Tokyo Olympics. We have seen businesses open their doors to new employees who want to work and learn new skills. Looking at the economy, we have seen more people travel both out of the country on vacation and interstate for exploring the USA and its wonderful landmarks. Generally, people are happy to be connecting again with each other, meeting face to face, and not just in a computer venue.

Many people I have met over the past few months share that they have learned a great deal about themselves during the pandemic. They have gained insights into their strengths and weaknesses, and feel transformed to enter their workplace or social situations with newfound mindfulness of gratitude and a sense of personal value and integrity. I think this is a wonderful outcome to emerge from a period of isolation and reflection.

Our personal and inner strength, our ability to own and acknowledge our actions and decisions, and our ability to walk with gratitude in our mind’s eye throughout our actions, offer opportunities for joy and resilience like never before. Simply put, be present in each moment and enjoy each day to its fullest.

