Reacting to Anger

There are many times that we get angry and frustrated over something that someone does. Reacting to anger can ber stressful and often exhausting.

I’ve started to watch what triggers any reaction from me, either real or perceived, and looking at how my body responds. There are two aspects of this: First, look at the trigger. Ask yourself, is it real or imagined? Is it in your control or not? If not, turn your back on it and refuse to give it any energy. Then, look inwardly, and examine where your body reacted from. Was it in the chest, breadth, stomach, core chakra? Take a breadth, and close your eyes. Now, picture the area of your body being caressed by your love and peace, and enhanced by your spirt guide, or someone who loves you very dearly.

The taking a moment and breadth gives you a moment to pause. Often when feeling anger we are reacting to feeling hurt, sometimes from something unrelated to the present but related to a memory from our past that we have never let go yet blocked from our consciousness. Basically, never dealt with, confronted, or resolved. Sometimes, the trigger is because we had an expectation and never expressed it openly, and the person who we are reacting to, did not fulfill our desire and expectation.

When you pause, you are free to let go and listen more clearly and feel your physical response. Is your throat tightening when you are angry? Are you not able to speak out and respond? Is your chest feeling tight and heart beating fast? Do you feel rejected or betrayed? What about your core, the area around your belly button? Are you getting “sick to your stomach”, nauseated, wanting to vomit? Can you be experiencing a loss of control, or self power?

There are so many ways to listen to our body for cues…the first step is to be willing to stop and take a step back, and pause with a breath. Then to listen and check in with your body—what sensation is occurring…what color do you feel…can you express or resolve this alone? Do you need assistance?

The best solution to anything or anyone who is triggering anger or hurt in you is to be aware of your body. Listen to how it reacts, and when it reacts. Try to understand what is happening, why, and be honest with yourself if it confuses you. Maybe seek assistance from an objective party to listen and help you move through this process. Be open and let go of control. You are always in control of yourself, that’s a job in and of itself! You don’t need to be in control of others—express what you want, how you feel (even if you don’t know why you feel what you feel at the moment), and let the expectations go…they don’t serve you once if you don’t express them, and if you do, and don’t get a response, this tells another story.

Your life is too stressful to endure more external angst then we put on ourselves in our daily choices. Seek out ways to balance your life to live in moment/present experiencing joy and happiness each moment. Live or the moment, with the past where it belongs, and the future as a challenge for your inner spirit. Experience joy and happiness as you redirect your energy towards life enrichment.
Reach out for guidance, a coach, an objective ear. Sometimes, yourself, friends, family members are not able to see beyond their love for you to hear what you are asking. An objective ear may be able to guide you to a resolution and awareness of your inner needs and improved coping and communication, with joy in the present!