Reflection, Hope, and Belief

Reflecting and looking ahead

With the final days of 2019 upon us, we have a lot to reflect on our lives that are so full and busy. It is a time where holidays bring people together, and others remain alone — a season of good cheer and self-critique for some. We question our days, purpose, and even meaning of life sometimes because we know the New Year offers another clean slate to start anew. Each day we wake up and put our feet on the floor, we get to have a clean slate and begin anew!

Looking at the past year, you have probably experienced a lot of change and growth throughout the year. Often we forget the road that we have traveled and the successes and joys we have experienced. Why then, looking back, is there a question?  There doesn’t need to be a look back nor a mystery. There needs to be a focus on a better tomorrow and brighter days ahead.

What we need is something different

Hope is what we need. Hope for our health, our environment, our friends and family’s connection, and hope for our country and world. Technology is moving at warp speed, and visiting another planet is no longer a science fiction theme. It is becoming a reality. Yet, how many people, young and old, can hold a meaningful conversation with another person and share a sense of connection, interest, kindness, and value before leaving the interaction. And how often can it all be done without an emotional outburst and rude language?  Are we ready for what technology offers?

Change is your power

Think about your life—body, mind, spiritual, and emotional. Are you ready to transcend this earth? Don’t you think it would be good to use every free moment not playing a game but taking a walk? Looking at your life and making small incremental adjustments to incorporate and live hopeful in your community with others? Each one of us has the power to change our focus and vision.

Each one of us has the power to make things happen. Hope and belief are what is needed. Extending your hand, time, energy, good thoughts to those less fortunate is the glue that will keep our society headed towards peacemaking. Realizing boundaries, being appreciative of your being, knowing your value, and your power changes everything and every interaction.

Take time to sit with yourself. Be still for a bit of time. Listen to your thoughts and write them down. Think of the light and visions you hold in your heart for yourself and others you care about, and our world.

Action forward

Make a simple list of four things you can do without much effort to enhance your being and contribute to your day. Include things that will make today better than yesterday for you and those around you. Live each moment for all it offers, and gain the joy, peace, and stillness within your mind’s eye before moving to the next step.

Take hold of the final days of 2019, and look towards 2020 with the hope that you can create and believe–as Anything is Possible if you believe.




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