Resilience of Your Soul in Troubling Times

It is amazing to look at the calendar and see the transformation of our lives into a new reality of how we do things, plan, and carry out our days in a short seven months since the news of Covid-19 first entered our social world in March 2020. Now, past Spring and into Summer, towards Fall, it’s amazing how resilient we have all demonstrated our strengths.

Each of you has faced many unforeseen challenges with resilience and grace, and sometimes even meltdowns.  You can get through this troubled time because you have people who care about you, helping you through it all. What a beautiful realization; you are not alone!

You are Amazing!! And so are those around you! Don’t you find human beings the most complicated, complex, convoluted instruments created that one could ever imagine? If nothing else,  2020 has highlighted our faults and inadequacies, along with our resilience, optimism, and the ability to and keep moving forward.

Everyone reading this should give themselves a pat on the back and go to a mirror nearby and raise your hand and say ‘hi-five—you did it!!!” and you’re not alone. Support has come from familiar places—family, home, work, friends, health care workers, postal service people, workers at grocery stores, pharmacies, and not to overlook our neighbors.

Throughout this time, many have discovered that they can take time to dedicate some time to self-care and be creative in taking care of their mind-body-and spirit. Exploring new hobbies and activities alone and with others like going for walks, calling a friend to keep in contact, taking a hike, sharing a cup of tea while social distancing or on a zoom call, bike riding, and joining social chat groups or exercise groups. Taking chaos and making it work for you—now that’s innovative.

Others have experienced a practical way to work through the unknown and their anxiety by clearing out closets and old boxes of ‘stuff,’ reaching out to those less fortunate to share food or companionship at a distance. Always finding some joy in caring and being compassionate to others less healthy and self-sufficient.

When people find that they continue to feel overwhelmed, they forget how powerful they are with the use of mindfulness and belief in the human spirit. It is true, we do not have all the answers, and more challenges arise every day it seems, but we can stop the noise in our head by finding the ‘off switch’ and turn ‘on ‘ the switch that says, ‘let’s take control and reach out to someone and do something different here….” STOP for a moment when you feel you are spinning out of control and just take a BREATH. Then, take another one and another one. Breathing and following your breath slows down your heart rate and quiets your mind.

When you are in a quiet space, you can think clearer and feel more energetic and in control of yourself. It is in this state when you can reach out by text or phone call to someone and express your distress, or take a walk and take note of nature and how things are growing, the colors of the earth, the flowers, the sky, the breeze in the air.

When you reflect on your day,  limit the time you spend in front of the television—limit it to short periods. Instead of watching a television program, watch an old movie, or read a book. Start to think of ways to develop new patterns of behavior that will work for you to give you pleasure and let you release any stress or tension you hold in your body or your mind. Let your thoughts breathe free—light and colorful like a butterfly. Take a moment each day to remember how awesome you are as part of a resilient human race ! and believe me, you are NOT ALONE for one instant. Think positive. Be Active. Take one step at a time, and before you know it, you too will be healthily adjusting and coming out with new ideas to join the new way of living as we forge through the life of this virus.

Be safe, smart, and kind to yourself. You make a difference.

Wear your mask when you go out in public; keep your distance 6ft apart in the social milieu and wash your hands. Breathe. Be calm. You are not alone. We are all in this together. Believe and accept new realities and changes as they happen. We will all grow stronger and smarter if we communicate with kindness and compassion and stay calm and still –be in the present, always.
