My fee for consultation services for initial consultation is $150.00 for sixty minutes; for any follow-up appointment, the fee is $100.00.
Payment is due at the time service is provided. I can take cash or personal check.
Personal payment for services rendered provides you with many benefits. For example, any work that we do towards your health and wellness, including medication management, behavioral management, and personal redirections you take, is given an added layer of privacy because health administrators are not processing your financial claims, which must carry by law a diagnosis. Additionally, we can meet for as many sessions as you wish, as often as you desire, without adhering to the pre-authorizations or medical justification for services defined by the insurance carrier. High deductible and larger co-pays mean that much of your costs will be out of your pocket.
I have worked to keep fees reasonable so that quality care and all of my services can be accessed by anyone who wants to grow and pursue health and wellness for their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual being.
The fee for my service includes support both in the session and anytime post the session. I am available 24 hours /day for emergencies and to help you get through a crisis. I will always get back to you when you leave a voice or text message and make the time to discuss with you the issues that are distressing you during this critical time.
If you require written documentation of our work together, such as a report, letter of intention, medical leave, or disability claims, there will be a charge of my usual hourly rate. After discussing the need, this request will be completed promptly to meet your needs.