Rising Up From Despair

It’s an amazing thought that we are now headed into the fifth month of 2021 and so well on our way towards many getting vaccinated, getting work, and feeling more hopeful. It is a joy sometimes to hear and see others rising up from the past year of exhaustion, fatigue, and near despair.

I want to remind everyone that the pains of the past year are not over. We have come into 2021 with more hope, while reminding everyone that our new attire includes wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and keeping a safe distance when we are gathering with others. Additionally, we add this mindfulness of COVID infection when our children return to school, and we go out to social events, and even local dining. It is rare that you leave your home without a mask in your pocket or already donned and a bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket. These changes quite matter of factly are incorporated into our style and behavior.

I can still feel the distress amongst many when they share their stories. Think of your own life and story. How does it feel? Someone asked me the other day, for example, ‘Does anyone ever think about the new moms who are working from home while raising and managing their young children? Aren’t they considered heroes too?”

I would say absolutely! The person providing care for a loved one, the one who has given up all their time, hobbies, fun, work, friends, and even wellness activities—those are heroic sacrifices! These heroes endure feelings of sadness and sometimes resentment for the isolation and lack of gratitude they experience daily, yet they do it willingly.

Yes, these individuals are heroes in their own right!  With everything, we have endured, individually and collectively, “who isn’t a hero these days?”We are all working to achieve our dreams. We are all hoping for a better day. We are all so happy when the sun is shining, and the air has a soft breeze. We look ahead to shape the future and capture our happiness. We stay in the present moment to absorb the essence of the time where we are and pray for improvement. When we lose a loved one, we try to celebrate their life and the gifts they shared before departing. We hold back from looking over our shoulders to see what we have left behind. These are new we learn to cultivate healthy thoughts and make good choices as we progress through the day-to-day reality of the pandemic.

The best tools we have for going forward through this phase of the pandemic include the following;

  • our ability to breathe and use our breath to calm our anxiety and quiet our heart,
  • listening to the sounds of the earth, trees, nature, and connect with our inner spirit
  • trust your decisions and intuition
  • be compassionate with yourself and your neighbors
  • extending a moment of kindness and a knowing nod to people that need some help

I beg you to believe in yourself, trust your soul, and the power of the universe to protect you and guide you in your journey.

Everyone is a hero. Everyone is connected. No one should feel alone or less than another person. We all are endowed with unique talents. We are the community of this world. We need to share our kindness and help others along with us on this challenging journey. Enjoy your Peace.




Photo by Alexandra Mirgheș