Spring – Awakening Your Well-being

As the Winter is slowly tempting us into new views of Spring, I must say the buds on the trees and small growing flowers are so exciting to see! I feel like a little kid beaming with excitement when the yellow daffodils peak out and the green stems of the crocus’ pop up from the leaf filled hard ground. Don’t you feel the same some days? The feeling of Joy and Gratitude in synchronicity with the new season is so uplifting! The winter has been hard on many, causing some to experience SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and others, with so much social media influence, finding a reason to be happy can be difficult when feeling all gloom and doom.

I wonder often how much time acknowledge our own power to create happiness—not just for one’s self but also to share with others. Taking a moment to wake up and stop to take a few awakening breadths is a start. Before getting up and racing around for the endless day ahead, by taking a moment to stop and breathe, you get a chance to re-center yourself and feel how you are at the present moment.

This gives way to opening your mind to feeling what your intention is for the day, and how you want to go about your day and achieve a few goals you have in mind. These are goals for your own self-care that may be completed as you go about your work and accomplish what others want you to complete.

Before moving into your morning routine, breathe with a sense of calmness and centeredness, and try to acknowledge a few things that you are grateful for today in your life. By the time you get to your work, pondering on these gifts, take a moment and write them down and place them in your pocket. When feeling overwhelmed or pushed throughout the day, take the paper our of your pocket and with a deep breath, read your memories of gratitude for the day. Smile and know you are special . Feel the specialness and acknowledge for yourself that no matter what you achieve today, you are special in ways that others may not know. Maybe someday you will share with them, maybe over coffee or lunch in the future. Or, maybe they will ask you, “How do you do it..always with a smile, so calm, so present…?”

You can easily reply, after taking a breath, that you are ‘special’ and grateful for different aspects of your life, gifts you look at frequently, to keep things in perspective. The breadth clears your mind of noise, and nakes it easy to smile and express good energy and block the noise around you. It all makes for a calmer work day, and keeps you in a natural ‘happy place.”

When you prepare for bed, do your breathing exercise again. Mentally review your day. See how you took the time to take care of the special individual you are—drinking water, taking a breathing break, smiling, reviewing your gratitude of the day, and feeling good inside, warm and ok with your inner self.

As you lay your head on your pillow, think of a positive throughout to dream on and send it to the universe to protect you and others with positive energy and hope for the days ahead. And of course, have pleasant dreams!
