Spring is a Time of Transformation

I’ve met several people over the past months that have experienced losses, and they have come out of crisis mode with a loss of purpose and spirit. Regardless if we are young or old, our sense of purpose is what keeps us going forward, feeds our spirit, our creativity, and inner drive. During my encounters with these individuals, my heart sank, and a feeling of heaviness was present.
I spent days going over and over how to help them regain their focus and strength. I realized the pandemic stripped them of their mental and emotional strength, giving them a sense of exhaustion and fatigue. The ups and downs of social distress—political, social, and economic—didn’t help either.

I believe in the Universe helping us when we are in need. Prayer and hope and belief in self and a Higher Power also are factored into our pushing through the other side of darkness and finding enough strength for resilience to be reestablished. I followed my belief system and subconsciously talked to the Universe through my daily meditation and in my subconscious as I was going through my days seeking a solution. Ultimately, I found nothing. I asked for help to guide and support these individuals as best I could but kept coming up blank. I felt defeated and sad.

Upon visiting these individuals the following week, everything seemed to change. Their demeanor, posture, and effect were transformed into positive smiles. I was thrilled but did not know how this all happened. Each person had a different reason for their transformation; they found their sense of purpose and hopefulness for the future. They equated it to sitting still with themselves, quiet introspection, and sitting in darkness for a bit. Then, at various times of the day throughout the week, they noted that ‘good things started to happen’ spontaneously. One person said it was “as if someone knew I needed help through this period.” I believe that was the energy that comes from our Universal life force. It is there to be tapped and help us through dark times.

We have all been through a grueling 2020, and now three months into 2021, there is more movement and hopefulness in the air. The vaccine is being accessed by many, and some choose to decline it, which is their right. The opening of venues offers many a challenge to ‘go back out after being socially isolated and now comfortable being without social interaction with others. The progression to going out of your safe space in your home, for example, does not have to be quick. Take it slow. Plan ahead. Stay out initially for a short period, wear a double mask, wash your hands and still keep your distance. Just stepping outdoors to experience the change of season, breathe fresh air, and walk down the street is an excellent start to changing perceptions and decreasing fear.

Spring is here. Some gatherings with family members are starting with the advent of holidays. Celebrations may be small and outdoors still, but an opportunity to expand your comfort zone with people you care about and feel safe in their company. People who are employed are being told to anticipate returning to work by the end of the year. More changes are in the works, I’m sure, and staying in control of your emotions and being objective, and looking at the underlying cause of any fear you may have will help you. Always remember your inner strength is your sense of and desire to live with a sense of purpose.

If you need support, encouragement, strategies, or help, please do not hesitate to reach out and connect with me at Restorative Wellness, LLC.
Best wishes for a wonderful day and a great month of April!