Spring – Positive Energy and Rebirth

Spring – Positive Energy and Rebirth

We are in March and have just moved our clocks ahead to be in synchrony with the Daylight Savings Time. I always find this time a little awkward, at least for 24 hours. It seems that the body, mind, and energy flow around me have to make the same adjustment ..Continue Reading

October Joy

October Joy

We have now come forward to a new season of brilliance and the change of life around us—Starting from the air that we breathe with a crispness on nice days, and sunshine brightening the changing foliage. So grand are our surroundings that it can take your breath away if you ..Continue Reading

Charting a New Course for the Rest of the Year

Charting a New Course for the Rest of the Year

We are halfway into the first year, post a two-year phase of pandemic and fear. Many of us have tried to move forward with a sense of being strong, stoic, and watchful. Others remain fearful and reclusive, suspicious, or not attentive to the sometimes paralyzing reports spouted out by the ..Continue Reading