Therapeutic Touch – Re-balancing Our Energy

Therapeutic Touch is an alternative, complementary therapy that is performed at Restorative Wellness. This therapy draws upon the ancient hands-on practices to restore balance and create a sense of wholeness within an individual.

Therapeutic Touch is based on the belief that vital energy flows through the human body and our energy field surrounds us. Though you cannot see the energy surrounding you, you may feel it sometimes in the form of heat or see it in the form of redness or swelling.

With this therapy, the practitioner centers and grounds themselves before starting to assess their client. This time is dedicated to focusing and sincere intention to help the client. Within a few minutes, the practitioner begins to evaluate the individual from head to two, looking for the evenness, areas of disharmony, and even changes of patterns of the energy surrounding their client.
The practitioner then can determine how to ‘smooth’ any areas of disruption, or try to disperse areas of ‘congestion’, ‘cool’ regions exuding heat, or add warmth to areas that are cool or dense. The practitioner does this by using their hands, without touching the person, only by moving the hands over the area of the body that is the focus for balance or healing.

Therapeutic Touch, aka TT, was first developed by Doloras Krieger, a professor at New York University, in the 1970s and Dora Kunz. The effect of TT is often reported by clients as a feeling of ‘relaxation’ and sometimes having ‘more energy.’ TT treatments can be 20 minutes long to 45 minutes. It all depends on what the practitioner believes is needed by the body based on energy shifts and changes.

I have used TT on many clients. Sometimes for a headache that won’t resolve after several medicinal attempts, pain resolution in a joint, helping to resolve congestion in a body part, like a lung or a wound, and even to help with relaxation from overwhelming anxiety or depression. TT works for all aspects of healing regardless of age, gender, or belief system. It is a wonderful tool to have in our restorative wellness toolbox for sure.

I welcome you to come and experience it.

Best for a wonderful month of November—a time of thanksgiving and gratitude,