Time Management

The days are passing quickly, and the pressure to work faster and more efficiently grows as time passes.. It is essential to remember that we have 24 hours each day, no matter how overwhelmed or distressed we may feel about time.

Sometimes I forget this, and it takes me a minute to realize that I am in control of my minutes and hours, and how I perceive my activities and schedule is all perception. Yes, there are work and social activities, and other things to accomplish, but I am in control of all of this, just as you are in your day/schedule.
I have started to do a brief ten-minute daily meditation in the am upon waking. This gives me a sense of clarity and control over the start of the day. When I start my work, I realize that “I have this!” and I write out the plan for the morning only. And I follow it. I drink water intermittently, maybe a cup of coffee, never more than one. Water is my friend now that the heat is turned on and the air is dry.

At lunchtime, I make my afternoon list. Simple and focused to ensure I can accomplish it and not have anything hanging over me later in the evening. I take a break to breathe, meditate briefly before returning to work, and remind myself, “This is mine, and I can do it!”. I stay focused. I limit interruptions and try to remember my intention, be calm, and monitor my own needs for hydration, biobreak, and breathing time.

When I finally finish the workday, I move to home time. This usually requires another plan for eating, relaxing, brief exercise, and social interaction with family and friends. If I feel fatigued or even more tired than usual, I journal and go to bed early. Before going to sleep, I sit on the side of the bed, and indulge in a brief meditation for peace, and then head towards the covers! I find sleep over the News more beneficial to physical recuperation and mental recharging. The meditation before sleep is invaluable for relaxing the noise that might be rambling in my head and a cause for keeping me from relaxing and falling asleep.

We all have so much angst and stress that we carry daily and feel the pressure of the chaotic situations our world is undergoing that make us sad and overwhelmed. It is imperative to be mindful of your self-care, your joys, your gratitudes, and your sense of control each day. Do not isolate or judge; keep your core/your center/ your solar plexus focused with good intention and feet grounded for stability. A new day will come, and you are at the wheel! Each day ends, and you are safe.

Believe in yourself. Believe in others. Reach out and participate when you can. Meditate twice a day, and feel your power and strength. Breathe. Make your lists realistically. Smile and give yourself grace. Be your best friend. Feel the joy of being alive today. .

Santa Crisall