Tough Times – Walk in Light and Grace

The months of March and April were truly a test of our endurance and resilience. Some are having to work from home and teach young children virtual education programing, others working from home with partial furloughs, and not being able to make the rent or have money to buy food. Everyone praising the health care workers and EMS workers who are there 24/7, and before you know it, new reports come out, giving us hope of new normalcy.

Then in May, we have better weather. A bit more exposure to the outside world, some with and others without their mask and social distancing well defined. And yes, who could forget, as the beaches open for exposure to the ocean air only, a man gets killed by the knee of a police officer. Riots begin, looting follows, everyone is now is in distress and can’t think of anything positive.

Let’s remember that not everyone protesting peacefully across the nation and the globe, where looting and causing chaos. Let’s keep in sight the fact that not all police are overwhelmed and use power in a harmful or deadly manner. It is less the norm than we like to recall in our memory, but the darkness of the day and the emotional fatigue we all feel, make it seem that our society is closing in and self-destructing. I beg to say it is not.

There are many good deeds being done daily in the local and state levels to help people through the COVID 19 crisis. Some people are volunteering, putting themselves in harm’s way to help another get the food, shelter, or assistance they need during this time of quarantine and self-isolation. Many are sending out good energy and thoughts daily in their journals and prayers to give the universe balance and grace that is needed to stabilize the pain and sadness many are feeling.

For several months, the first half of 2020, our norm and life has been like we never imagined! We made it through watching out for each other, calling others in need to see if a conversation might help them through distress, and looking forward to the future where things and weather would be sunny and fun again. Goodness is not always as pronounced as chaos, but it does exist. Kindness doesn’t always get acknowledged, nor does it have to be, but one cannot deny that it is present.

There is no doubt that all lives matter. All people matter. The health, well being, and hope of each man, woman, and child matters. We are social individuals. We are caring people. We are not animals in the wild. We may have been cooped up in our place of living for a while, but we had the freedom to reflect, clean, create, recreate, and even read a book. There was never any reason to favor fear over hope in our being during this time.

We are intelligent people. Regardless of your race, creed, status, or age, you are a valuable person. You need to set the ‘reset’ button and focus on the future—forgiveness, hope, understanding, and learning from mistakes while not passing judgment. Be kind to yourself and to others. We cannot stand alone as we need each other in many ways. Sometimes just a smile. Maybe just a ‘hello.’ Whatever it is, we need each other to survive and be human.

I encourage you to smile and start your day with an intention. Later in the day, check that you are on the right path. In the evening, take tithe me to review your day’s challenges and what you learned. Smile at yourself, and review what you are grateful for from the day.

Before you go to sleep at night, breathe in hope, and breathe out fear. You are a powerful human being preparing for a new day. Rest well while you sleep. Wake up with the sun in your thoughts and peace in your heart. Remember, you are light and grace. Walk calmly and mindfully as you go about your day as our days are different and new before us.
