Welcome to a New Year, 2023!

It is not always easy to enter a new year, even though you may want to leave the old one behind. The New Year celebrations often come with a list of ‘want to do’s, and “want to do’s.” Not uncommon at all. Most of us have heard of this and done this during family gatherings and those with friends as we bring the New Year into our reality. I suggest a different way of looking forward. I suggest a different way of thinking about “new year’s resolutions.”

Imagine you are the focus of the New Year. Consider a change in your health, wellness, peace, joy, and happiness. Be creative with identifying your desires from your heart and soul, more inner development and growth. Maybe even more outreach to provide kindness and support within your community to groups in need of volunteers. I also believe it is valuable to reflect on the year that we just put away, 2022.

When reflecting on the year, look inside at what you are grateful for during the year. Take time to think and feel to get your answers.

The year was long and full of changes and ups and downs, but gratitude was inherent in many of our actions. Take the time to write what you are grateful for in 2022, and think about how these changed your thinking and maybe even some of your behaviors.

Finally, take a moment to envision what you want to see in yourself 365 days from now.

Each day of the New Year, we have an opportunity to grow, change, think and behave differently, and transform our whole being. One day at a time with mindful attention to what is important to your inner goals and desires that you set for 2023.

Vision, hope, and mindfulness are well supported by daily journaling and meditation, albeit brief or long. It helps you gain perspective and reflection on your growth.

To achieve your transformation, you must believe in yourself and the power within you.

I believe in this for each of you. I challenge you to step forward and drive your vision into reality.

Namaste & Aloha/ Santa









Photo by <a href=”https://unsplash.com/@tomchill?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText”>Tom Hill</a> on <a href=”https://unsplash.com/photos/ZvvirfG75Ns?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText”>Unsplash</a>