When do we stop worrying?

I was driving to an appointment the other day, and my mind was focused on how much time we spend worrying about this and that. Often, the subject matter is not essential to our being, supportive of our spirit, or even interesting to ponder. So why do we fall into the re-run tape in our mind to focus on negative or obscure things that fatigue us and do not give us back any energy or answers?
I believe we have a lot of internal beliefs that we do not recognize or acknowledge.

It is these beliefs that distract us, change how we view the goals and dreams we hold for ourselves, and ultimately spin us in another direction.

I have been using my driving time to listen to various talks and insightful spiritual, medical, and ethical researchers who are leaders in mindfulness and creating the world and life you want to live in and the person you want to be. It’s fascinating and beats the standard radio noise that is endless when you press on a new channel.

A recent talk I attended summed it up very nicely. To share with you, the simplicity is exciting. Here it goes:
If you like something and you accept it then keep it and integrate it into your daily acknowledgment of gratitude. If you do not like whatever it is (ex., about yourself, your surroundings, your work, or your world), then reject it and seek to change it.
If you move to change whatever it is, then set your intention clear to change it. Define steps to make the change happen and to stick. Whenever your mind says change is not needed, be strong and stick to your plan—this is your action plan for change, and when you change something, it is now yours to own.

Once you accept or change something, then it’s time to move on. Take hold of whatever you have accepted or changed, and keep moving forward. More things will come your way every day to make this decision (accept or change), and you will start to see a new you develop and evolve.

Your evolution, in spirit, energy, appearance, and sense of self will give way to new associations and challenges. Imagine how wonderful it will feel to drive down the road headed towards a new goal/challenge and not worrying about this and that. I call this freedom and joy!
Try it out! Take the ride and feel the power within come out and wow others!

August 2019