Will the COVID Pandemic End Soon?

We have now come into the half of the year, and many are asking, “will we see the end of the COVID pandemic soon?”

The answer is; we must get used to a new ‘normal’ and get comfortable with the adjustments in our lives, specifically; social distancing, wearing masks, being mindful of physical symptoms, and avoiding crowds. It helps to maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit while we are readjusting our lifestyle going forward.

The third quarter of the year always brings a sense of excitement and anticipation as many look forward to returning to school—which is, for many, virtual, half days, or only a couple of days per week on-site.

The Autumn season is marked by cooling temperatures and the accompanying fall clothing changes, Veterans Day, the changing of the leaves, and apple season.

Sadly, this year there will be no parades to attend, and many of our local restaurants have primarily curbside service or delivery. Concern about finances is a focus of many as we look ahead to the upcoming months.

Yet, we have so much to be grateful for. Let’s take a moment to reflect on that.

If you have been journaling since the early part of the year, you can review how well you have been adjusting your tempo and reflecting on the areas of life that are really ‘important’ instead of just being busy doing stuff. Many of you have cleaned out closets, give away things that were collecting dust to those with greater need, and some have even taken time just to sit and clear out their cluttered thoughts and emotions. How fine is that?!

The challenges of the first half of 2020 are considerable, and yet we remain resilient, kind, and generous people—focused on humanity, health, and healing.

As we adjust to our new reality, we are in a place to consider the new insights, personal awareness, and how we have come to appreciate our value and personal power.

I  am reminded of the words of the late John Lewis. He said, “When we are positive about the outcome of our hard work, we can keep moving forward despite the challenges. Be hopeful, be optimistic, never lose that sense of hope. Remember, the vote is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have.”

Enjoy September and to the days ahead. Breathe freely and confidently, and believe in your inner strength and power—guided by kindness, humanity, and resilience.

Change is constant. The past will remain behind us as we step forward day by day into our self-defined future. You are never alone. All you need to do is reach out and connect with others —we are all here together, and our resilience will endure.
