It is hard to believe that in a few weeks a new season will be upon us! How often I hear from others, “where does the time go…summer just flew by!” Often this is my sentiment too. When hearing from others, I wonder why it seems that time goes by ..Continue Reading
I was driving to an appointment the other day, and my mind was focused on how much time we spend worrying about this and that. Often, the subject matter is not essential to our being, supportive of our spirit, or even interesting to ponder. So why do we fall into ..Continue Reading
There is always so much activity going on around us. Do you ever wonder when do things slow down? When does the noise in your head stop? When did life become so complicated? Why do things seem so hard regardless of age, socioeconomic status, or location? I find more times ..Continue Reading
We are such a technologically advanced society that it behooves us to take note where we are losing ground with our humanity. If you can take a moment and take a look at your yesterday and count how many people you spoke with on the phone vs texting, sat with ..Continue Reading
This past month has been a whirlwind of emotions for me, and it made me think of how much we take for granted and how little we really can control. What do I mean? Well, let me share my experience. A dear friend of mine, several years, my junior, went ..Continue Reading
Have you ever experienced a moment where you were doing ok and then all of a sudden someone makes a comment and BANG, you experience a MAJOR setback of self-doubt and anxiety? Do you have any idea where this emotional response comes from– so fast and appearing so ‘right’? I ..Continue Reading
Did you ever have someone ask you what your value is? And what do you value? It’s surely not one of those questions that come up in daily or casual conversation at work or with your friends. But it does make you stop and think –pause to reflect how deep ..Continue Reading
“Wherever you go, there you are. Wherever you are, you can be”. What does this mean to you? Does it sound like hogwash? Just another ‘one of those phrases”? I would not be surprised if you blurted out “whatever”. My purpose of sharing these statements is that ‘where you are, ..Continue Reading
My Wellness Program Are you living the life you want? Are you happy with where you are in life, with your health, or with your energy level? Time passes quickly Why put off today things we want to become now, what do you gain? The Time is NOW! Learning, investigating, ..Continue Reading
The ‘Ah Ha’ moment can be transformative. When was your last ‘ah ha’ moment? You know, that moment in time where everything seems to come into place, all is in alignment-thoughts, goals, intentions, and vision, and life. You know it when it happens because you suddenly experience a sense of ..Continue Reading